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ACL Tear - Oak West Clinic

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The ACL, also called the anterior cruciate ligament, is one of the most important structures in the knee. Its function is to keep the knee stable. The ACL can be injured very easily during sports activity, accidents, or being overweight. If the ACL is not in its proper position, it causes bones to rub against each other which creates unnatural grooves and overuse . Over time, this affects the stability of the joint and can lead to cartilage or bone damage. Some people may develop osteoarthritis as a result of ACL injuries.

The ACL is easily injured during soccer or football games when a player's shoe is caught in the ground and the body is twisted awkwardly. This can also occur during skiing, falling from a ladder, or slipping down the stairs.

Patients who damage the ACL will develop swelling and increased pain. They may also feel like the knee is unstable and will pop out of joint. Ignoring the ACL does not help the symptoms. Ibuprofen, ice, and an ace wrap may provide temporary relief. However, x-rays, MRI studies, and an orthopedic evaluation are always recommended because surgery is often necessary.

If you think you have damaged your ACL, you should follow up with your doctor for a physical exam and additional testing.

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